Festool - abrasive

18 items total
Festool | Brusné kotouče Granat STF D90/6
from 18 Kč up to –38 %
from 11 Kč / pcs

Grinding wheels are designed for grinding VOC paints, hard substrates, plastics, mineral materials, acrylics, sealants and fillers.

Price for 1 x piece

Code: 497366
Festool | Brusné kotouče Granat STF D125
from 27 Kč up to –37 %
from 18 Kč / pcs

Festool Granat abrasive is ideal for putties, fillers, paints, varnishes and especially VOC varnishes and hard substrates.

Price for 1 x piece.

Code: 497168
Festool | Brusné obdélníky Granat STF 80x133
from 19 Kč up to –37 %
from 12 Kč / pcs

Grinding wheels are designed for grinding VOC paints, hard substrates, plastics, mineral materials, acrylics, sealants and fillers.

Price for 1 x piece

Code: 499628
Festool - brusivo s brusnou mřížkou STF D150 P80 GR NET/50 Granat Net
from 36 Kč / pcs

The Granat Net Grinding Grater is the optimal solution for grinding heavily dusty material. The open grinding grid allows full-area dust extraction - for clean work.

Price for 1 piece

Code: 203304
Festool | Brusné kotouče Granat 225 mm (Planex)
from 55 Kč / pcs

Grinding of plaster of paris, plaster of paris.

Price for 1 x piece

Code: 205656
Festool - brusné kotouče  Granat STF D150
from 30 Kč up to –36 %
from 19 Kč / pcs

Grinding wheels are designed for grinding VOC paints, hard substrates, plastics, mineral materials, acrylics, sealants, fillers and wood.

Price for 1 x piece

Code: 575163
Festool - brusné kotouče Rubin/2  D150
from 30 Kč up to –36 %
from 19 Kč / pcs

Festool Ruby 2 is a high-end abrasive specially designed for working with wood and wood materials.

Price for 1 x piece

Code: 575189
Festool - brusné kotouče STF D150 PL2/15 Platin 2
from 106 Kč / pcs

Grinding wheels for the finest grinding - finishing grinding.

Price for 1 x piece

Code: 492368
Festool | Brusné špalky HSK
from 866 Kč –15 %
from 736 Kč / pcs

Use with abrasive wheels with a diameter of D 150 mm and the Velcro fastener allows the abrasive to be fitted quickly and without tools.

Sanding block - soft and hard version.

Code: 495965
19340 ochranna podlozka pp stf d125 2
370 Kč –35 %
240 Kč / pcs

Protection of the grinding plate when using abrasives with a grinding grid.

Packing: 2 pcs

Code: 203344
Festool | Ochranná podložka PP-STF D150 /2
410 Kč –35 %
266 Kč / pcs

Protective pad when using abrasives with abrasive grid.

Pack of 2

Code: 203343
Festool | Brusný pás Rubin 2 L620X105 RU2
from 86 Kč up to –35 %
from 70 Kč / pcs
Suitable for BS 105

Price for 1 x piece

Code: 499152
Festool | Brusný pás Rubin 2 L533X 75 RU2
from 83 Kč –34 %
from 54 Kč / pcs

Suitable for

  • for BS 75

Price for 1 x piece

Code: 499158
Festool |Brusný papír Granat STF DELTA/9
from 22 Kč up to –33 %
from 15 Kč / pcs

Granat sanding papers are specially designed for VOC varnishes and hard substrates.

Price for 1 x piece

Code: 577545
Festool | Brusný papír Granát trojúhelník V 93
from 14 Kč up to –36 %
from 9 Kč / pcs

Grinding wheels are designed for grinding VOC paints, hard substrates, plastics, mineral materials, acrylics, sealants and fillers.

Price for 1 x piece

Code: 497393
Sia Abrasives | Brusný pás 560 x 100 mm
from 59 Kč / pcs

SIA Abrasives | Sanding belts for soft and hard wood 560 x 100 mm.

Price for 1 x piece

Code: AL010002190120
Sia Abrasives | Brusný pás 610 x 100 mm
from 63 Kč / pcs

SIA Abrasives | Sanding belt for soft and hard wood 610 x 100 mm.

Price for 1 x piece

Code: AL010002200150
Sia Abrasives | Brusný pás 533 x 75 mm
from 56 Kč / pcs

SIA Abrasives | Sanding belts for soft and hard wood 533 x 75 mm.

Price for 1 x piece

Code: AL007501060120