Flex | Vacuum cleaner with automatic filter cleaning VCE 33 M AC - Set

Code: FLEX444138
from 25 965 Kč

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Vacuum cleaner for dust class "M" with automatic filter shaving and optical warning when air flow drops. Especially for mineral dust, wood dust (also beech and oak) and other health-threatening waste.

Detailed information

Option: Plus
In stock at the supplier, availability within 7 days | FLEX444138
Delivery to: 10/04/2025
25 965 Kč
Option: Set, Equipment: úklidová sada
In stock at the supplier, availability within 7 days | FLEX465682
Delivery to: 10/04/2025
27 235 Kč

Product detailed description

Flex - bezpečnostní vysavač třídy "M", který je speciálně konstruován pro zachytávání nebezpečného prachu, jako je minerální prach a prach ze dřeva, včetně bukového a dubového. 

Automatické oklepávání filtru: Zajišťuje udržení vysoké účinnosti filtru a sacího výkonu bez nutnosti manuální údržby.

Optické a zvukové varování: Systém varuje uživatele, pokud průtok vzduchu klesne pod normativní minimum, což pomáhá zajistit konstantní a efektivní odstranění prachu.

Integrace s L-BOXX a Tanos systainery: Umožňuje uživatelům připojit tyto úložné systémy přímo na vrchol vysavače pro snadnou transportaci a organizaci nástrojů.

Vysoký sací výkon: Díky výkonné turbíně a kontinuálnímu čištění filtru je sací výkon vysavače optimální a konstantní.

Pokročilý filtr: Plochý skládaný filtr s teflonovou/nano povrchovou úpravou maximalizuje účinnost zachytávání prachu.

Regulace průtoku vzduchu: Umožňuje přizpůsobení sací síly v závislosti na potřebách uživatele a materiálu, který se vysává.

Plynulý start a zpožděné vypnutí: Zajišťuje, že všechny prachové částice jsou vyčištěny z hadice po vypnutí vysavače.

Robustní konstrukce: Vysavač je odolný a jeho nádoba s dvojitou stěnou má integrovaný úchop pro snadné vyprazdňování.

Antistatická hadice: Zabraňuje přilnavosti prachu a zvyšuje pohodlí při práci.

Snadná manipulace: Velká kola a otočná kovová kolečka usnadňují přesun vysavače.

Ochrana motoru: Samostatný chladicí kanál s filtrem chrání motor před prachem a prodlužuje jeho životnost.

Snadná údržba: Filtr je možné snadno měnit bez nutnosti odmontování hlavy vysavače.

Organizace příslušenství: Držák hadice a kabelu usnadňuje ukládání a zabraňuje nepořádku.

Třída M bezpečnosti: Vysavač je vhodný pro zachycení prachu s hodnotami AGW ≥ 0,1 mg/m³, což je důležité pro zdraví uživatelů.

Technické parametry:

  • Příkon max.1400 W.
  • Max. výkon proudění vzduchu 4500 l/min.
  • Max. podtlak 25000 Pa.
  • Plocha filtrů 5000 cm2.
  • Objem nádoby 30 l.
  • Kapacita nádoby - kapalina 17 l.
  • Zásuvka na nářadí 100-2400 W.
  • Rozměry (d x š x v) 65 x 385 x 565 mm.
  • Délka kabelu 7,5 m.
  • Hmotnost 15,2 kg.

Rozsah dodávky:

Varianta Plus:

  • Antistatická sací hadice 32 mm x 4 m s clip-připojením včetně regulace postranního přívodu vzduchu a sacím adaptérem SAD-C D25-32AS 406.708.
  • 1 L-BOXX® uchycení 445.169.
  • 1 plochý skládaný filtr PES L/M/H 445.118.
  • 1 rounový filtrační sáček třídy L/M 445.088.
  • 1 PP sáček na jedno použití 445.061.
  • 1 adaptér Ø 25-32 mm, antistatický 445.029.
  • Držák hadice 2 ks.

Varianta SET:

  • Antistatická sací hadice 32 mm x 4 m s clip-připojením včetně regulace postranního přívodu vzduchu a sacím adaptérem SAD-C D25-32AS 406.708.
  • 1 L-BOXX® uchycení 445.169.
  • 1 plochý skládaný filtr PES L/M/H 445.118.
  • 1 rounový filtrační sáček třídy L/M 445.088.
  • 1 PP sáček na jedno použití 445.061.
  • 1 adaptér Ø 25-32 mm, antistatický 445.029.
  • Držák hadice 2 ks.
  • 1 úklidová sada 445.053.
Flex | Vysavač s automatickým čištěním filtru VCE 33 M AC - Set

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Flex | Vysavač s automatickým čištěním filtru VCE 33 M AC - Set

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Flex | Vysavač s automatickým čištěním filtru VCE 33 M AC - Set

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Flex | Vysavač s automatickým čištěním filtru VCE 33 M AC - Set

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Additional parameters

Category: Construction vacuum cleaners
Warranty: 2 years
Power input: 1200W
Container volume: 30 l
Hmotnost výrobku: 15,2 kg
Třída prachu: M

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Flex-Elektrowerkzeuge GmbH, known under the brand name Flex , is a power tool manufacturer based in Steinheim an der Murr. This German company has deep roots in a history of technological innovation that dates back to the early 20th century. Founded in 1922 by two pioneers, Hermann Ackermann and Hermann Schmitt, it has since developed into a synonym for quality and reliability in the field of power tools. Originally, Flex focused on a single product - a hand sander with a flexible shaft, which was a significant breakthrough in the field at the time.

Thanks to its flexibility and adaptability, the grinder has become a popular tool in many workshops and industries, laying the foundation for the company's future expansion.

The brand "Flex has become a phenomenon that goes beyond the common perception of a commercial brand. It's a name that for many is not just part of a company logo or specific to a particular product, but synonymous with an entire category of tools - specifically angle grinders. This extraordinary development did not happen overnight. It is the result of many decades during which Flex has built a reputation for quality, innovation and reliability of its products. And so it happened that not only in German-speaking countries, where the brand Flex has strong historical roots, the name of this brand has become so well-established in everyday speech that it is used as a general term for any angle grinder, regardless of the actual manufacturer of the tool .

This is similar to the phenomenon where a brand name becomes so commonly used that it passes into the vernacular as a generic name for a particular type of product - for example, "Kleenex" for tissues or "Xerox" for photocopying. This phenomenon, known as genericide, can be both a blessing and a curse for a brand. On the one hand, it shows how deeply the brand has become ingrained in the minds of consumers and how dominant it has become in the market. On the other hand, it can lead to trademark dilution if the brand name becomes so generic that it loses its uniqueness.

In the case of "Flex", it is a unique success story that proves that a product can be so successful that its name becomes an industry icon. Even those without a professional relationship with tools may be familiar with the term "flex" and automatically associate it with angle grinders, reflecting the profound impact the brand has had on consumer culture. Over time, the "Flex" brand has taken on a life of its own and is sometimes used colloquially for angle grinders, not only in German-speaking countries, which is a testament to its unmistakable mark on the history of the tool and construction industry.

Over the years, Flex has constantly expanded its product range, often outpacing the competition and coming up with new, revolutionary solutions for various applications. An iconic piece in the company's development was the introduction of the first high-speed angle grinder in 1954. This tool completely changed the grinding and cutting paradigm and Flex established itself as an innovator and leader in the field. With this success, Flex has not relented in its mission to introduce innovative solutions that facilitate the work of professionals and DIYers around the world.

Flex-Elektrowerkzeuge GmbH today offers a wide range of power tools, from drills to saws to grinders and much more, all with an emphasis on ergonomics, performance and long-term durability. Flex products are designed to withstand demanding conditions and meet the expectations of the most demanding users. This has earned the company the recognition and trust of professionals in many industries - from construction to renovation and maintenance to creative and artistic projects.

Like many successful companies, Flex is constantly adapting to the changing market and technology. With over 90 years of experience, they continue to develop new products and technologies that increase productivity and improve work processes. Flex-Elektrowerkzeuge GmbH is an example of a company that maintains its commitment to innovation and proves that exceptional results can be achieved with the right tools. This company has always been at the forefront of the industry, proving that a good idea, a solid vision and continuous development can lead to lasting success and recognition.

Flex, a company with a long history and commitment to continuous technological advancement, is at the forefront of the spirit of innovation in the world of tools and equipment. They are involved in a wide range of applications that serve various industries and trades. Their products are designed to meet the specific needs of professionals, not only in the construction industry, but in other fields as well. With four main applications - renovation and reconstruction, metal processing, automotive paint processing and natural stone processing - Flex continues to innovate and develop new products that are not only efficient and reliable, but also friendly to environment.

The key focus of Flex, since 2010, is the development of battery-powered devices with brushless motors, which means a shift to more efficient and silent operation of tools without the need for external power. This technology provides users with greater flexibility and mobility, as they are no longer limited by the length of the power cord or the availability of electrical outlets. Brushless motors also offer longer life and lower maintenance needs compared to traditional carbon brush motors.

At the same time, Flex strives to ensure that their battery-powered tools are powerful and capable of handling even the most demanding applications. With a strong background in engineering and design, the company is constantly working to improve battery capacity, shorten charging times and increase the overall energy efficiency of its products. In this way, Flex responds to the demands of the market, where the demand for wireless solutions is constantly growing, and contributes to the reduction of noise and emissions in the workplace, which benefits both users and the environment.

Flex maintains its reputation as a pioneer in innovation by investing in research and development and by listening carefully to feedback from its customers. Every new product undergoes rigorous testing to ensure that it not only meets expectations, but exceeds them. This is how the Flex company is constantly evolving and consolidating its position on the market as a leader in innovation and quality, all in the spirit of its commitment to providing industrial solutions that are not only efficient, but also environmentally friendly and user-friendly.

Flex offers a wide range of power tools, including angle grinders, polishers, drywall sanders and more, designed for professional use, ensuring high performance, efficiency and long life. Flex also emphasizes ergonomics and economic efficiency of work, reflecting their new slogan "this is proformance", emphasizing the combination of professional performance and performance.