FastCap Glubot - Glue dispensers

7 items total
glubot guide fastcap 918022 4
FastCap - edge guide
In stock (>10 pcs)
110 Kč / pcs

guide for easy application of adhesive on the edges of the board material

Code: 99963
set dávkovačů GluBot
from 167 Kč / pcs

The unique GluBot bottle is a dual-chamber glue application bottle that delivers glue from the bottom to ensure the glue is always fresh. The best selling plastic glue bottle in the USA.

Code: 00349801
temp blade
76 Kč / pcs

Replacement graduated tip with individual dosage adjustment

Pack of 5

Attention only for small and medium bottle 0,11 and 0,17l

Code: 98217
FastCap | Koncovka mikro pro velkou lahev
95 Kč / pcs

Replacement micro end of large bottle for fine work and modelers.

Pack of 5

Attention only for large bottle 0,47l

Code: 98212
FastCap | Základna pro velkou lahev GluBot
395 Kč / pcs

Holder - base for large GluBot bottle. Can be screwed, glued or magnets can be used.

Code: 03066
Glubottipkit x700 5f411643 a8f4 4fbb b1a0 4b9c58705848 367x367
219 Kč / pcs

Spare caps and caps set for large bottle

Code: 98229
images (1)
219 Kč / pcs

Set of spare caps and caps for medium bottle and small bottle

Code: 98232