Grinding triangles

Get sanding papers - triangles that are designed for use in rotary, eccentric and vibratory sanders. Suitable for sanding the hardest substrates.

2 items total
Festool |Brusný papír Granat STF DELTA/9
from 22 Kč up to –33 %
from 15 Kč / pcs

Granat sanding papers are specially designed for VOC varnishes and hard substrates.

Price for 1 x piece

Code: 577545
Festool | Brusný papír Granát trojúhelník V 93
from 14 Kč up to –36 %
from 9 Kč / pcs

Grinding wheels are designed for grinding VOC paints, hard substrates, plastics, mineral materials, acrylics, sealants and fillers.

Price for 1 x piece

Code: 497393