Sola - joinery and carpentry angles

Angle is a simple gauge for measuring right angles (90°). It is used by all trades, for example metalworkers, carpenters, carpenters or masons, it is one of the basic workshop equipment.

The angle is usually made of steel or various aluminium alloys to reduce weight, has two arms, one shorter, one longer, and these arms are at right angles to each other. One of the most common angles is the flange angle, which has a flange stop on the outside of the shorter side, so that the shorter side has a T profile. The angle is placed on the board with the edge of the board against it, and the longer side shows the right angle to the edge of the board.

However, a quality and accurate gauge is seemingly expensive. However, only machinists and carpenters need a precision gauge where the accuracy of production is already beginning to approach that of machine tools. Less precise angles are used by tile setters, bricklayers or carpenters.

14 items total
Sola SRB - Nářadí Praha
from 460 Kč / pcs

Precise carpentry stainless steel angle Sola - marked SRB in the range of 200-500mm

Code: 56012001
Náradí Praha - Sola SRG
from 360 Kč up to –17 %
from 297 Kč / pcs

Joinery angles of higher quality from Austrian manufacturer Sola. The surface of the scale is blued against possible glare.

Code: 56013001
Sola - Truhlářský přesný úhelník SRC 300,350,400,500 mm (délka 350mm)
from 313 Kč / pcs

Classic joinery angle from Austrian manufacturer SOLA

Code: 56014101
Sola | Nastavitelný truhlářský úhelník VSTG
from 377 Kč / pcs

Sola - adjustable joinery angle VSTG

Code: 56052001
pic prd wm gwg top shadow
350 Kč –20 %
Sola - miter angle GWG
In stock (6 pcs)
280 Kč / pcs

Properties: Robust, aluminium handle with wide stop. Non-glare, blue spring steel bar for pleasant work. Precision 45° and 135° mitre angle.

+ more
Code: 56032101
8246 sola truhlarsky stavitelny uhelnik quattro
535 Kč / pcs

Carpenter's adjustable angle with fixed latch 45°/90°/135°.

Code: 56017001
Sola | Tesařský úhelník červený ZWCA
from 773 Kč / pcs

Carpenter's perforated steel flat angle SOLA

Code: 56132001
úhloměr Sola GR
Angle GR
In stock (4 pcs)
from 538 Kč / pcs

Scale in degrees for accurate reading and transfer of set angles

Code: 57012001
Zámečnický úhelník s příložníkem SWA (délka 100 mm)
from 372 Kč / pcs

locksmith angle with jib

Code: 56112201
61wId9ahCgL. AC SL1500
679 Kč –15 %
577 Kč / pcs

Accurate measurement of multiple angles: the Angle Measuring and Transferring Angle can accurately measure angles between 10 and 170 degrees.

Code: 56900101
Sola tesařský úhelník AW 800
3 980 Kč –15 %
3 383 Kč / pcs

Sola - extremely durable Alpha stainless steel angle 800 x 400mm.

Code: 56905001
pic prd wm gwb persp1
Sola - GWB miter angle
In stock (1 pcs)
from 482 Kč / pcs

Properties: Robust, aluminium handle with wide stop. Particularly durable stainless steel for pleasant work. Precision 45° and 135° mitre angle.

+ more
Code: 56031001
pic prd li lss det scale shadow
from 118 Kč / pcs

Particularly flexible, precise ruler suitable for measuring rounded shapes

+ more
Code: 56104401
pic prd li lss det scale shadow
Sola - LSS flexible rulers
In stock (>10 pcs)
from 57 Kč / pcs

Particularly flexible, precise ruler suitable for measuring rounded shapes

+ more
Code: 56103201