Measuring technology and marking Milescraft

Measuring and guide rails turn your hand-held j ig saw or circular saw into a precision cutting tool. You can make long and difficult cuts just as easily as on a table saw. Suitable for work in the workshop and in the field. The comfortable set-up and safe operation will suit both right- and left-handed users.

4 items total
Milescraft | CenterFinder - nástroj ke značení středů
219 Kč / pcs

Ready to make your job easier and more accurate at the same time? Introducing CenterFinder, the center marker that turns your measuring and plotting into a breeze!

Code: M8458
Milescraft hloubkoměr s kotoučovou pilou
589 Kč / pcs

Milescraft | DepthGauge™ - the sliding depth gauge allows you to quickly and accurately mark the height of the saw blade or cutter, or make other measurements. Save time and minimise errors.

Code: M8601
Milescraft | Angle Finder - přenašeč úhlů
497 Kč / pcs
Code: M8402
Milescraft - rýsovací pomůcka
349 Kč / pcs

Milescraft® - ScribeTec™ is a versatile marking tool ideal for use in the workshop. Its articulated arms allow it to adapt to any surface or contour by consistently offsetting the needle, which always remains parallel to the work surface.

Code: M8407