About Us
We are a well-stocked store for professionals and demanding DIY enthusiasts.
We offer a range of products for craftsmen and companies, with 20,000 items permanently in stock. Our expert advice will assist you across our entire range.
- Range for professionals
- Immediate availability
- Skilled staff
- Friendly atmosphere
- In-house electrical service
- Serving customers since 2007

Our Story
We continue our philosophy. We sell top-quality tools. We offer our power tool service. We strive to meet our customers' needs, solve their problems, and provideexpert advice. Most sales now take place online through our e-shop, but we still value personal contact and enjoy welcoming every customer to our store. Our bestsellers include Toughbuilt, Pica Marker, Cable Clamp a Milescraft. Come and try them out in our store.
We search the world for the best tools for you, and this year, Japanese saws from Takagi caught our eye. We couldn’t believe how smoothly their thin blades cut through wood. We immediately displayed them in the store so customers could see how wonderfully they work. We also expanded our range with Selder flaxseed oils.. This brand myths about flaxseed oils.. Selder oils dry quickly without the need for dryers, don't yellow, and don't chalk... all thanks to a unique refining method developed by a family business in Sweden.
We are excited about the woodworking tools from Milescraft. They speed up and simplify work during furniture making, and protect fingers while cutting. Simple gadgets that should be in every workshop. It’s decided—this will be another American brand we bring to the Czech Republic. We gain exclusive representation and sell it as the only distributor in the Czech Republic. A new team member, Monika Šrolová, joins us, handling the warehouse and shipping.
Once again, we are thrilled by a global premiere and a new acquisition. the world bestseller Viking Arm lifting tool. We have the opportunity to introduce this brand-new product. The lift replaces an extra pair of hands. It lifts kitchen cabinets, holds windows and doors, and can support up to 150 kg. We become authorized importers to the Czech Republic.
The year of COVID. Ironically, it helped us. While the restrictions impacted our store operations, e-shop sales soared. We expanded again, adding 200 m² of warehouse space. The range now includes practical gadgets from the USA, such as FastCap glue bottles and Cable Clamp reusable cable clips. We also become the authorized importer of the Spanish brand Piher, a specialists in clamps and clamping tools. In the fall, our team grows as well. A new colleague, Petr Zvelebil, joins as a sales representative and technical sales expert.
We added a third colleague, Vladimír Obermayer, expanding our services with our own electric tool repair service. Vladimír has over 20 years of experience and can repair almost all branded (and often unbranded) electric and battery-powered tools. Our small store became too cramped, so we moved a few meters to a new address: Přátelství 284/14A, Prague-Uhříněves. This year, we also discovered a little gem – Toughbuilt . A unique system of work belts and pouches, knee pads, hand tools, and other products made from premium materials at affordable prices. The American brand Toughbuilt was exactly what the Czech market was missing. Once again, we faced the challenge of how to introduce an unknown American brand to the Czech market. Step by step, we promoted it through our e-shop, videos, in-store, and at trade fairs. It worked—Toughbuilt is becoming well-known among Czech craftsmen.
n America, we discovered another product, hammers from one of the oldest manufacturers in the USA, the Vaughan brand. Unfortunately, this was a misstep, as hammers in the Czech Republic and Europe are completely different. The brand didn’t stay in our range for long. Not everything works out. However, we were much more successful with a jig for making dovetail joints from the Canadian brand Leigh. However translating the nearly 100-page manual into Czech was quite a challenge. This year, we also narrowly missed exclusive representation of the German pencil brand Pica Marker. Nevertheless, we embarked on a close collaboration with the Czech representative and played a key role in making this pencil a true phenomenon.
Our first successful acquisition for the Czech market, was the iconic carpenter's square, Swanson Speed Square. At first, it didn’t go smoothly. The American company wasn’t interested in selling on the European market, especially in small Czechia. After long negotiations, we managed to import the square. Now, we just needed to get it to customers. At that time, we had very little experience with introducing unknown products to the market, and our marketing budget was even smaller. We compensated with enthusiasm and perseverance. We promoted the square on online forums, Facebook, the website, and especially in the store. It paid off, and for many years it remained one of our most successful products.
In the summer, at just 33 years old, my colleague Pavel Hoštálek suddenly passed away, and the future of the company became uncertain. I didn’t want to continue without him. After much consideration and encouragement from his family and friends, I decided to carry on. Pavel would have wanted that. In the fall, I brought on a new colleague, Libor Zárožný, who joined me from the company Narex.
We launched the e-shop www.naradi-praha.cz. Thanks to increased sales, we gradually embarked on a bolder strategy – importing brands(mainly from the USA), that were not yet sold in the Czech Republic. In the early years of business, we managed to raise awareness in the Czech Republic about unique products that were virtually unknown here at the time – especially focusing on machinery and equipment for woodworking. We introduced Czech craftsmen to brands like Festool, Mafell, Lamello and Bostitch. Unmatched leaders in their field, indispensable for woodworking today.
My friend and I started selling tools in a small store in Prague-Uhříněves. From the beginning, we knew we would offer only top-quality products — the best tools available on the market. At the same time, we wanted to provide top-notch advice and excellent customer service. The company name, HZ Profi Tools, comes from the initials of our last names: Pavel Hoštálek and Zdeněk Zíma.