Product detailed description
The replacement refills for Pica Fine Dry are designed for fine and precise marking, ideal for carpenters and craftsmen who need precision work. Thanks to the swivel lid, cartridges can be quickly removed and replaced, ensuring a smooth working process. However, these refills are not suitable for marking on glass or smooth, glossy surfaces.
Previously, only black HB and H inks were available, but now the range has been extended to include permanent white ink, which ensures clear and durable marking.
Thus, the replacement refills for Pica Fine Dry are a great choice for anyone who needs accurate and durable marking, even in challenging conditions.
New white refills provide the best contrast on dark surfaces, making it easier to mark in a variety of conditions.
Equipped with these replacement inks, the Pica Fine Dry 7070 pencil allows clear marking even on dark surfaces without sharpening the tip, saving time and increasing efficiency. The pack contains 12 replacement inks that are temperature resistant up to 70°C, ensuring their reliability even on hot summer days.
Additional parameters
Weight: | 0.006 kg |
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