541 items total
CMT ITK | Diamantový pilový kotouč na cementotřískové desky ø 160 mm Z4
–5 %
1 438 Kč / pcs

CMT | ITK diamond saw blade ø 160x1,8/2,4x20 mm Z4 TFZ/TCG (alternating trapezoidal and straight teeth) is designed for cutting extra hard materials such as cement-bonded particleboard, cement-fibreboard, DuPont Corian®, plasterboard, MDF, DTD, and various sandwich panels.

Code: C2361604H
CMT ITK | Diamantový pilový kotouč na cementotřískové desky ø 250/30 mm Z16
–5 %
5 028 Kč / pcs

CMT ITK | Diamond saw blade ø 250x1,8/2,4x30 mm Z16 with alternating trapezoidal and straight teeth (TCG/TFZ), for cutting extra hard materials such as DuPont Corian®, cement-bonded and cement-fibreboard, MDF, DTD and plasterboard.

Code: C23625016M
CMT XTreme | Pilový kotouč na demoliční práce ø 160 mm Z24 HW
–5 %
760 Kč / pcs

CMT XTreme | Saw blade ø 160x1,6/2,3x20 mm Z24 WZ/ATB for demolition work is designed for maximum durability and efficiency when cutting in demanding conditions such as rebuilding and demolition projects. The blade can handle up to 20 times more cuts than competing products, thanks to its solid tooth geometry and low weight, which ensures resistance to impact with metal elements in wood, such as nails.

Code: 28676024H
CMT XTreme | Kotouč na nerez ocel ø 160 mm Z40 TCG
1 545 Kč / pcs

CMT XTreme | Saw blade ø 160x1,4/1,8x20 mm Z40 TFZ/TCG (trapezoidal + straight) for precise and clean cuts in stainless steel and other metals. The design with a combination of trapezoidal and straight teeth minimizes burrs and ensures smooth cutting of metal materials, delivering excellent results with high surface quality.

Code: C22654006H
prohold 3 1500x1360
695 Kč / pcs

Universal magnetic holder for wrist, screwdriver or other machine.

Code: 99971
71927 6 fastcap transportni kolecka clip n roll
1 518 Kč / pcs

FastCap - transport wheels for easy handling of heavy or bulky materials.

Code: 02120
1 518 Kč / pcs

FastCap - transport wheels for easy handling of heavy or bulky materials.

Code: 09822
FastCap Mag shims magnetické podložky
FastCap | Magnetic pads
In stock (>10 pcs)
742 Kč / pcs

FastCap - Mag Shims - Magical shims for perfect adjustment of your instruments

Code: 04151
adaptér frézky Festool OF 2200 pro práci s cinkovací šablonou  Leigh D4R Pro
438 Kč / pcs

Milling machine adapter Festool OF 2200 for use with zinc die Leigh - D4R PRO 24"

Code: 494627
Festool -vodící lišta 1400 mm
3 277 Kč / pcs

Invented and perfected by Festool: the guide rail. For cuts and grooves that will convince you with their precision. With slip pad for easy running, groove for screw and lever clamps or barrier for burr-free cuts. Since 1964, a breakthrough in precision and ease of work. The original is available in 8 different lengths from 800 to 5,000 mm.

Code: 491498
4787 1 festool sys roll rs sys 1 5 498660
6 395 Kč / pcs

Rudder for transporting the new generation of Systainers, T-Lock and Classic.

Code: 498660
Kolíková tyč buková pro velké Domino DF 700 (velikost 14x750mm/18ks)
up to –15 %
from 56 Kč / pcs

Beech dowel rods for individual use in length 750mm

Price: 1 piece

Code: 498686KS
Festool | Vodicí lišta FS 800/2
2 194 Kč / pcs

Invented and perfected by Festool: the guide rail. For cuts and grooves that will convince you with their precision.

Code: 491499
Festool - Kolíky pro velké Domino DF 700
–20 %
1 332 Kč / pcs

Reliable stability of the pin is ensured by its extraordinary shape in combination with grooves on the body and longitudinal grooves on the sides which are filled with adhesive.

Code: 498212
Festool - kolíky pro malé Domino DF 500
–20 %
2 553 Kč / pcs

The whole package.

Domino wooden pegs with glue-filled grooves and longitudinal grooves for optimal gluing 100% resistance to warping from the first peg.

Code: 493296
Festool | Pilový kotouč do okružních pil ø 168/20 mm Z16 WZ
–20 %
1 707 Kč / pcs

Festool | Saw blade ø 168x1.2/1.8x20 mm Z16 WZ mm Z16 WZ for plunge saws with a cutting width of 1.8 mm, a body thickness of 1.2 mm and a tooth face angle of 20° is ideal for fast longitudinal cuts in solid wood with minimal effort.

Code: 205763
Festool | Pilový kotouč do okružních pil ø 168/20 mm Z28 WZ
–20 %
1 952 Kč / pcs

Festool | Saw blade ø 168x1.2/1.8x20 mm Z28 WZ for TS 60 plunge-cut saws, with a cutting width of 1.8 mm, a body thickness of 1.2 mm and a tooth face angle of 15°, is ideal for universal cutting of various wooden materials.

Code: 205764
FFestool | Pilový kotouč pro ponorné pily ø 168x20 mm Z52 FWF
–20 %
3 665 Kč / pcs

Festool | Saw blade ø 168x1.2/1.8x20 mm Z52 FWF with flat teeth with partial bevel, cutting width 1.8 mm, body thickness 1.2 mm and negative rake angle -5°, ideal for clean cuts in aluminum profiles and plastic materials.

Code: 205767
Festool | Pilový kotouč pro ponorné pily ø168/20 mm Z42 WD
–20 %
2 431 Kč / pcs

Festool | Saw blade ø 168x1.2/1.8x20 mm sZ42 WD (Wood Diamond) for Festool TS 60 plunge-cut saws is ideal for clean, burr-free cross cuts in solid wood and boards with a melanin finish.

Code: 205765
Festool | Pilový kotouč pro ponorné pily ø168/20 mm Z52 TFZ/TCG
–20 %
3 665 Kč / pcs

Festool | Saw blade ø 168x1.2/1.8x20 mm Z52 with trapezoidal teeth (TFZ/TCG), with a cutting width of 1.8 mm and a negative rake angle of -5°, is ideal for clean cuts in plastic materials and laminates.

Code: 205766
GSON profesionální praconí světlo GL
3 575 Kč / pcs

The GL work light with dual system (cable + rechargeable) and lightweight and compact design is developed for professional use.

It is flexible, robust and easy to carry.

Code: G205100
GSON pracovní světlo T340  20W COB 2
1 459 Kč / pcs

Powerful work light with COB LED and power bank function.

  • Flexadjustable swivel handle for positioning at different angles and hanging.
  • 3 modes (low/high/red warning light).
  • Rechargeable battery via USB.
Code: GT340
4105 1 vodici doraz fs of 1400
Guide stop FS-OF 1400
In stock (1 pcs)
2 025 Kč / pcs

Guide stop FS - OF 1400.

Code: 492601
Hedue schodišťový přípravek použití
1 725 Kč / pcs
Hedue - Stair jig with six spring steel gauges.
Code: M100567
from 416 Kč / pcs

Hardmetal razor blades and semi-finished products are manufactured by TIGRA and CERATIZIT using the most modern technology of hardmetal production.

Code: N03401025
186 Kč / pcs

replacement razor for IGM F041 Grooving razor cutter - F 041: D12x50 L103 S=12 HM

Code: N01050011
159 Kč / pcs

replacement razor for IGM F041 Grooving razor cutter - F 041: D12x50 L103 S=12 HM

Code: N01050041
145 Kč / pcs

replacement razor for IGM F041 Grooving razor cutter - D12x30 L70 S=8 HM

Code: N01030041
83 Kč / pcs

replacement razor for IGM F041 Slotted Razor Cutter - F 043: D19x30 L74 S=8 HM

35° spine angle
2 clamping holes

Code: N01130045
117 Kč / pcs

Spare razor blade for cutter F 043: D19x50 L112 S=12 HM

35° spine angle
2 clamping holes

Code: N01150045
251 Kč / pcs

Spare razor blade for cutter Cutter F 045: D16x35 B16 L80 S=8 HM

Left sided
35° spine angle

Code: N01729545
303 Kč / pcs

Spare razor blade for cutter F 045: D19x48,3 B19 L100 S=12 HM

35° spine angle

Code: N01749545
56 Kč / pcs

replacement razor blade for IGM Shank cutter HM - D60x12 L80 S=12x50 Z3

Caution cannot be used on cutter with 8 mm shank !!!!

Code: N01212045
157 Kč / pcs

Replacement razor for Mini Surface Milling Cutter HM - D35x10,5 L60 S=8x38 Z3

Code: NT13863
IGM | Vrtací kolíkovací šablona FKP656 mm
5 700 Kč / pcs

Drilling jig FKP656 - is a universal drilling jig for fast and precise manual pegging of furniture parts with 32 mm Euro pitch, ensuring high productivity and accuracy.

Code: FKP656
IGM F043 Ořezávací žiletková fréza s ložiskem  (Fréza F 043 D19x30 L85 S=12,7 HM)
from 1 200 Kč / pcs

Milling machine designed for precise face milling and copying according to the template underneath. With a traditional brazed cutter, the cutting diameter is reduced against the bearing during sharpening and this causes a tooth to form. The razor cutter eliminates this phenomenon with precisely aligned exchangeable razor blades that can also be rotated. For milling Corian, it is possible to purchase a straight or tapered bearing with a plastic ring to ensure precise guidance through the material.

Code: F04319381
vrtací šablona FKP (4)
4 429 Kč / pcs

- For pegging into the surface
- Holes for affirmations in surfaces
- For shelf carriers
- For drilling handles
- For NK hinges (Hettich, Blum, Mepla, Grass and others)

Code: FKP900SET
IGM F041 Drážkovací žiletková fréza  (Fréza F 041 D10x30 L80 S=12 HM)
from 1 536 Kč / pcs

Cutter with one mini knife (razor blade) and clamping wedge.

Code: F04108081
IGM F042 Úhlová žiletková fréza HW  (Fréza F 042 45° D29x8 L60 S=6)
from 775 Kč / pcs

Designed for trimming and edging.

Type F042 is equipped with a copy bearing. Designed for manual milling.

Code: F04222081
IGM F043 Drážkovací žiletková fréza (Varianta frézy D19x12 L45 S=8 HM)
1 150 Kč / pcs

Milling machine designed for precision face milling.

Code: F04319181
IGM F043 Ořezávací žiletková fréza se 2 ložisky  (Fréza F 043 D19x50 2B19 L110 S=12 HM)
from 1 454 Kč / pcs

Trimming cutter with upper and lower bearing. Double sided razor blades clamped with Torx strength screws. For precision face milling with a top milling machine or in a milling table.

Code: F04319481
IGM F043 Ořezávací žiletková fréza s ložiskem  (Fréza F 043 D19x50 L112 S=12,7 HM)
1 452 Kč / pcs

Milling machine designed for precise face milling and copying according to the template underneath. With a traditional brazed cutter, the cutting diameter is reduced against the bearing during sharpening and this causes a tooth to form. The razor cutter eliminates this phenomenon with precisely aligned exchangeable razor blades, which can also be rotated and used with up to 4 blades. For milling Corian, it is possible to purchase a straight or tapered bearing with a plastic ring to ensure precise guidance through the material.

Type F043-195xx with a cutting length of 50 mm is equipped with two copy bearings for better guidance according to the template.

Code: F04319521
IGM F045 Drážkovací žiletková fréza  (Fréza F 045 D16x48,3 L105 S=12 HM)
from 1 938 Kč / pcs

These cutters are designed for trimming, shaping and grooving.

For direct drilling, use type F044.

Code: F04516321
IGM F045 Drážkovací žiletková fréza s ložiskem (Fréza F 045 D16x35 B16 L80 S=8 HM)
from 1 693 Kč / pcs

Type F045 is designed for cutting, copying and formatting according to a template when using a template from above. For processing of board materials (laminate, DTD, MDF) or hardwood.

Code: F04519381
IGM F046 Úhlová žiletková fréza HW  (Fréza F 046 45° D29x8 L52 S=6)
1 110 Kč / pcs

The cutter is designed for trimming and chamfering edges.

Type F046 is without bearing. Designed for manual milling and also for machine milling on CNC centres.

Code: F04645081
IGM F047 Drážkovací žiletková fréza  (Fréza F047 D12,7x29,5 L89 S=12,7 HM)
from 1 247 Kč / pcs

Special blade geometry for laminate and chipboard machining. The design of the F047-123 gives a cutting depth of 40 mm even when using a 29.5x9x1.5 mm blade if you are milling multiple passes through the material. Excellent use for cutting, shaping and grooving laminate or kitchen worktops using the top router and templates. Can be used for manual milling or on CNC machining centres.

Code: F04712381
IGM F050 Ořezávací žiletková fréza HM na lamino (Fréza F 050 D19x49,5 B19 L100 S=12,7)
1 730 Kč / pcs

Trimming cutter with one HM rotary razor blade and copy bearing on the shank. Ideal for trimming kitchen and worktops. Suitable for machining chipboard and laminated chipboard.

Code: F05019521
IGM F051 Žiletková fréza HW na V drážku  (Fréza F 051 90° D23x11 L60 S=6,35)
607 Kč / pcs

Ideal tool for engraving and lettering. If you find the razor dull or worn, simply flip it over and use another of the sharp blades. The locking screw safely secures the razor blade and thus ensures precision work.

Code: F05123081
IGM F062 Radiusová žiletková fréza HW  (Fréza F 062 R2 D27x3 L57,5 S=8)
from 1 708 Kč / pcs

- Replaceable razor blades made of micro-grain carbide.
- The razor blades can be rotated by 90° for a total of 4 cutting edges.
- The razor blades are fixed with special Torx screws.
- Cutter body made of high-quality steel.

The cutter is equipped with two double-edged razor blades for rounding the edges. The radius is ground on all 4 sides of the razor for maximum tool efficiency. The cutter is fitted with a razor blade with a radius of R3mm or R2mm, which is mainly used on ABS edges. It is also possible to buy a radius R1mm and R1,5 mm, which can be used to cut the edge when gluing umakarte, veneer or laminate on boards. For use on manual top milling machines.

Code: F06202081
F463 00421 01 web
2 191 Kč / pcs

HM surface milling cutter - D60x12 L80 S=12x50 Z3 - ideal tool for large material removal from large surfaces.

Code: F46300421
IGM F463  Mini Stopková fréza na plochy
1 492 Kč / pcs

Surface milling cutters are ideal for fast feed and large material removal rates.

Code: F46300781
ITA Tools | DTA – Diamantová fréza Z1+1DTA
–5 %
2 066 Kč / pcs
Code: DTA.
ITA Tools | DT1 – Diamantová fréza s rovným zubem Z1
–5 %
3 577 Kč / pcs
Code: DT1.
ITA Tools | DTA – Diamantová fréza ø 12,7mm/44mm Z3 s ložiskem DTA.12.044.12.BSR
–5 %
3 187 Kč / pcs
Code: DTA.12.027.12.BSR
ITA Tools | DTA – Diamantová fréza EC 3 spirálová
–5 %
2 066 Kč / pcs
Code: DTA.
ITA Tools | DTA – Diamantová fréza ø 12mm/45mm Z 5+1 DTA.
–5 %
3 443 Kč / pcs
Code: DTA.
ITA Tools | DTA – Diamantová fréza ø 18mm/45mm Z 5+1 DTA.
3 443 Kč / pcs
Code: DTA.
J-B Weld | ClearWeld™ rychleschnoucí dvousložkové lepidlo
319 Kč / pcs

J-B Weld |ClearWeld™ - a fast setting, multi-purpose, two-component epoxy adhesive that provides a strong and permanent bond on most surfaces. It is most effective for bonding tiles, most plastics, ceramics, glass, wood and metal.

Code: 50112
J B WELD 8297 zaruvzdorny epoxidovy tmel HighHeat 57g obr 1 jpg
359 Kč / pcs

J-B WELD | HighHeat™ - a hand-mixable epoxy putty stick specially formulated for bonding and repairing materials that will be exposed to high temperatures in automotive and industrial repair applications. This sealant cures to a strong, hard joint with little or no shrinkage, making it an industrial-strength product that outperforms conventional epoxies at high temperatures.

Code: 8297
J-B Weld | KwikWeld™ lepení (svařování) za studena.
319 Kč / pcs

J-B Weld | KwikWeld™ - Discover incredible strength and speed with a two-component epoxy adhesive that is a fast-drying version of an epoxy cold welding system. Provides strong and permanent repairs to metals and many other types of surfaces.

Code: 8276
J-B Weld | Putty Sticks - Epoxidové opravné tyčinky
from 319 Kč / pcs

J-B WELD | KwikWood™ - a premium epoxy sealer for easy wood repairs. Hand-mixed, hardens to the same density as wood, does not rot or crack. Ideal for exterior and interior use, mouldable like plasticine, machinable after 60 minutes. Perfect for filling holes and damages in wood.

Code: 8257
J-B Weld | Original Cold - Weld™ lepení (svařování) za studena.
319 Kč / pcs

J-B Weld | Cold-Weld ( 2x28.4g ) - discover incredible strength and speed with a two-part epoxy adhesive that is a fast-drying version of the epoxy cold welding system. Provides strong and permanent repairs to metals and many other types of surfaces.

Code: 8265S
J B WELD 33120 silne vterinove lepidlo SuperWeld Professional Grade 20g obr 1 jpg
280 Kč / pcs

J-B Weld | SuperWeld™ - strong instant adhesive. Discover the revolution in bonding with SuperWeld™! This specially formulated cyanoacrylate superglue will give you a strong and instant bond in seconds. With a cure strength of up to 3500 PSI (246 kg/cm2), it provides an extremely strong bond that lasts. The joint cures to final stiffness within 24 hours

Code: 33120
J-B Weld | TankWeld™ tmel na opravy nádrží
319 Kč / pcs

Putty from J-B Weld | TankWeld is a two-component epoxy repair sealant designed specifically for the repair of fuel tanks and other containers made of metal, plastic and other materials.

Code: 8217
J-B Weld | WaterWeld™ epoxy sealant for underwater repairs 57 gr
319 Kč / pcs
J-B Weld™ - WaterWeld, a superior waterproof sealant designed for fast and reliable repairs, is also applicable underwater and can withstand pressures up to 500 PSI. After curing, which takes up to one hour, the sealant is mechanically workable - it can be drilled, cut, sanded and painted.
Code: 8277
Japonská rašple Shinto
1 225 Kč / pcs

Japanese double-sided SHINTO saw blade for large areas and high material removal. The rasp has fine teeth on one side and coarse teeth on the other and will become your helper when shaping wood.

Code: SR30H
Japonská tesařská pila Kataba 200 mm - Shark Saw
625 Kč / pcs

The Japanese Kataba 200 mm Shark Series Carpenter's Saw is a universal saw especially suitable for rough work. Thanks to the special hybrid gearing, it can handle both longitudinal and transverse cuts.

The number of teeth makes it one of the most balanced universal saws.

Code: T105450
Japonská tesařská pila Kataba 265 mm - Shark Saw
785 Kč / pcs

Japanese carpenter's saw Kataba 265 mm Shark Series is an all-purpose saw especially suitable for rough work. Thanks to the special hybrid gearing, it can handle both longitudinal and transverse cuts.

The number of teeth makes it one of the most balanced universal saws.

Code: T105372
Japonská tesařská pila Kataba 300 mm - Shark Saw
919 Kč / pcs

The Japanese Kataba 300 mm Shark Series Carpenter's Saw is a universal saw especially suitable for rough work. Thanks to the special hybrid gearing, it can handle both longitudinal and transverse cuts.

The number of teeth makes it an aggressive saw for fast cutting.

Code: T100096
Japonská zahnutá zahradnická pila 270 mm
995 Kč / pcs

Fast, smooth cuts in wet wood with efficient sawdust removal.

Professional curved pruning saw with housing. Equipped with special M - toothing for and industrial PTFE coating.

Code: T107324
Japonská zahnutá zahradnická pila 300 mm
1 055 Kč / pcs

Fast, smooth cuts in wet wood with efficient sawdust removal.

Professional curved pruning saw with housing. Fitted with special M - toothing for and industrial PTFE coating

Recommended for: garden work, softer wood, rough craft, wet wood.

Code: T107326
Japonská skládací tesařská pila Kataba 265 mm -Shark Saw
929 Kč / pcs

Japanese carpenter's saw Kataba 265 mm Shark Series is an all-purpose saw especially suitable for rough work. Thanks to the special hybrid gearing, it can handle both longitudinal and transverse cuts.

The number of teeth makes it one of the most balanced universal saws.

Code: T106050M
Japonská skládací zahradnická pilka 125 mm
457 Kč / pcs

Folding pocket saw for pruning trees with blade length 125 mm.

Recommended for: softer wood, wet wood, garden work.

Code: T107210
Japonská skládací zahradnická pilka 210 mm
749 Kč / pcs

Universal lightweight portable folding saw Shark Saw Takagi 210 mm, with replaceable steel blade SK-85, for pruning and cutting wood.

Recommended for: softer wood, wet wood, garden work.

Code: T105810
Japonská skládací zahradnická pilka 210 mm
799 Kč / pcs

Universal lightweight portable folding saw Shark Saw 240 mm Takagi with replaceable steel blade SK-85, for cutting and pruning wood.

Recommended for: softer wood, wet wood, garden work.

Code: T105970
Japonská skládací zahradnická pilka 240 mm
795 Kč / pcs

Japanese folding garden saw with blade length 240 mm - which is a combination of a machete and a saw blade for pruning and cutting wood.

Recommended for: softer wood, wet wood, garden work.

Code: T107202
Japonská skládací pila Kataba 265 mm - Shark Saw
859 Kč / pcs

Japanese Kataba 265 mm Shark Series saw for universal cutting. The saw has a universal tooth pitch that is coarse enough for longitudinal cutting but fine enough for precise cross-cutting.

Folding saw with three positions for adjusting the saw blade to the handle for easier cutting.

Code: T106050
Japonská zahradnická pilka 3
1 177 Kč / pcs

Japanese Garden Saw 330 mm Gisuke - Your indispensable helper for garden maintenance.

Recommended for: softer wood, hardwood, wet wood, garden work.

Code: T1004311
Japonský Kiridashi nůž 60mm
395 Kč / pcs

Traditional Japanese Kiridashi knife with protective sheath and wooden handle.

Code: T1061030
Japonský hoblik 42mm
1 415 Kč / pcs

Japanese wood planes, also known as Kanna, are hand planes that have been used in Japan for centuries to shape and smooth wood.

Because of their beauty and efficiency, which comes from their incredibly simple design, they are gaining great popularity in Europe. This puts a tool in the hands of the craftsman that is incredibly functional and simple.

Code: T108011
Japonský TAKA KATSU hoblik 48mm
1 585 Kč / pcs

Japanese wood planes, also known as Kanna, are hand planes that have been used in Japan for centuries to shape and smooth wood.

Because of their beauty and efficiency, which comes from their incredibly simple design, they are gaining great popularity in Europe. This puts a tool in the hands of the craftsman that is incredibly functional and simple.

Code: T108012
Japonský hoblik TAKA KATSU 50mm
1 725 Kč / pcs

Japanese wood planes, also known as Kanna, are hand planes that have been used in Japan for centuries to shape and smooth wood.

Because of their beauty and efficiency, which comes from their incredibly simple design, they are gaining great popularity in Europe. This puts a tool in the hands of the craftsman that is incredibly functional and simple.

Code: T108013
Japonský hoblik  TAKA KATSU 58mm
1 769 Kč / pcs

Japanese wood planes, also known as Kanna, are hand planes that have been used in Japan for centuries to shape and smooth wood.

Because of their beauty and efficiency, which comes from their incredibly simple design, they are gaining great popularity in Europe. This puts a tool in the hands of the craftsman that is incredibly functional and simple.

Code: T108014
Náhradní nůž do hobliku 42 mm
289 Kč / pcs

Replacement blade for TAKA KATSU 42 mm planer - 1 piece

Code: T108021
Náhradní nůž do Japonského hoblíku 48 mm
299 Kč / pcs

Spare blade for TAKA KATSU 48 mm planer - 1 piece

Code: T108022
Náhradní nůž do Japonského hoblíku 50 mm
365 Kč / pcs

Spare blade for TAKA KATSU 50 mm planer - 1 piece

Code: T108023
Náhradní nůž do Japonského hoblíku 58 mm
365 Kč / pcs

Spare blade for TAKA KATSU 58 mm planer - 1 piece

Code: T108024
Japonská pila Dovetail 120 mm
535 Kč / pcs

Japanese Dovetail 120 mm (pin saw) for the most accurate finish possible with a blade thickness of 0.40 mm and 21 teeth per inch of length.

Code: T108027
Japonská pila Dozuki 150 mm108134
915 Kč / pcs

Japanese Dozuki 150 mm wood saw for an extremely fine and clean thin cut thanks to a blade thickness of 0.3 mm and 24 teeth per inch of length.

Code: T108134
Japonská pila Dozuki 210 mm
982 Kč / pcs

Japanese Dozuki 210 mm wood saw for extremely fine, clean thin cuts with a blade thickness of 0.3 mm and 22 teeth per inch of length.

Code: T108137
Japonská pila Dozuki 240 mm
995 Kč / pcs

Japanese Dozuki 240 mm wood saw for extremely fine, clean thin cuts with a blade thickness of 0.3 mm and 22 teeth per inch of length.

Code: T108138
Japonská pila Dozuki Detail 150 mm
874 Kč / pcs

Japanese Dozuki 150 mm wood saw for detail cutting and clean thin cuts thanks to a blade thickness of 0.3 mm and 20 teeth per inch of length.

Code: T108009
Japonská pila Dozuki Dovetail 160 mm
1 095 Kč / pcs

Japanese Dozuki Dovetail 160 mm wood saw for the most accurate finish possible with a blade thickness of 0.1 mm and 23 teeth per inch of length.

Code: T108130
Japonská pila Kataba 265 mm -Shark Saw
769 Kč / pcs

Japanese Kataba 250 mm Shark Series pro fine cross-cut. The saw has a fine trapezoidal gearing with small tooth spacing for precision work with perfectly smooth cutting surfaces without the risk of tearing wood fibres.

Code: T104310
Japonská pila Kataba 330 mm -Shark Saw
819 Kč / pcs

Japanese Kataba 330 mm Shark Series saw for universal cutting. The saw has a tooth pitch that is coarse enough for fast longitudinal cutting and crosscutting.

Code: T105430
Japonská pila Ryoba Gisuke 210 mm
689 Kč / pcs

The Japanese Ryoba Gisuke 210 mm wood saw is the most versatile saw for joinery work. It has balanced tooth types for both a nice cross cut and a longitudinal cut.

Code: T108001
Japonská pila Ryoba Gisuke 240 mm
735 Kč / pcs

The Japanese Ryoba Gisuke 240 mm wood saw is the most versatile saw for joinery work. It has balanced tooth types for both a nice cross cut and a longitudinal cut.

Code: T108002
Japonská pila Ryoba Mini 120 mm
449 Kč / pcs

The Japanese Ryoba Mini 120 mm wood saw is a saw for extra-precise clean cuts. It has two different tooth types for both extremely clean cross-cutting and longitudinal cutting.

Code: T108007
Japonská pila Ryoba Narrow 180 mm
525 Kč / pcs

The Japanese Ryoba Narrow 180 mm wood saw is a saw for precise clean cuts. It has two different types of teeth for both a very clean cross cut and a longitudinal cut.

Code: T108008
Japonská pila Ryoba Premium 180 mm
1 439 Kč / pcs

The Japanese Ryoba 180 mm wood saw is a universal workshop saw for the woodworker. It has two different types of teeth for both a very clean cross cut and a longitudinal cut.

Code: T108146
Japonská pila Ryoba Premium 210 mm
1 580 Kč / pcs

The Japanese Ryoba 210 mm wood saw is one of the most versatile saws for joinery work. It has two different types of teeth for both a very clean cross cut and a longitudinal cut.

Code: T108147
Japonská pila Ryoba Premium 240 mm
1 599 Kč / pcs

The Japanese Ryoba 240 mm wood saw is the most versatile saw for joinery work. It has balanced tooth types for both a nice cross cut and a longitudinal cut.

Code: T108148
Japonská pila Ryoba Premium 300 mm
2 995 Kč / pcs

The Japanese Ryoba 300 mm wood saw is a universal saw for carpentry and rough work. It has two different types of teeth for both rough longitudinal and transverse cuts.

Code: T108150
Japonská pila Ryoba Premium 330 mm
3 449 Kč / pcs

The Japanese Ryoba 330 mm wood saw is a universal saw for carpentry and rough work. It has two different types of teeth for both rough longitudinal and transverse cuts.

Code: T108151
Japonská pila Ryoba Wide 180 mm
545 Kč / pcs

The Japanese Ryoba Wide 180 mm wood saw is a saw for precise clean cuts. It has two different types of teeth for both a very clean cross cut and a longitudinal cut.

Code: T108006
J-B WELD | FiberWeld™ opravná fiber páska pro trubky do 25 mm
472 Kč / pcs

FiberWeld™ 1" Pipe Repair Cast is a high strength fiberglass repair tape that is infused with a specially formulated resin for repairing pipes up to 25 mm in diameter.

Code: 38248
J-B WELD | RadiatorWeld™ sada pro opravy chladičů
581 Kč / pcs

J-B Weld RadiatorWeld Radiator Repair Kit is a product intended for permanent or temporary repairs of radiators made of metal and other materials. Repairs cracks 100mm or smaller and holes up to 6mm in diameter.

Code: 2120SRP
Zdvihací frézovací stolek (deska) pro horní frézku
–15 %
4 897 Kč / pcs

Precision lifting system for the top milling machine, which ensures smooth and precise height adjustment. The easy to use crank control allows for quick adjustments, while micro-adjustments ensure maximum precision in woodworking. The robust aluminium construction guarantees long life and stability when working.

Code: 24072901
4022 1 oblozeni uplne fs gb 10m
Lining complete FS-GB 10M
In stock (1 pcs)
1 152 Kč / pcs

Full FS-GB 10M lining.

Code: 491741
Litlle Giant - žebřík King Kombo Industrial (King Kombo Model - 5, výška - štafle/ výsuvný 152 / 290 cm)
from 9 045 Kč / pcs

The King Kombo non-conductive ladder is the ultimate in ladder technology, making it safer and more versatile. It offers a load capacity of 150 kg in all positions.

Code: 13580EN-071
Litlle Giant - žebřík King Kombo Professional (King Kombo Model - 5, výška - štafle/ výsuvný 152 / 290 cm)
from 7 716 Kč / pcs
Very lightweight, aluminium, professional, multifunctional ladder with high safety and versatility. 3 in 1 configuration of rack, extension and lean.
Code: 14580EN
Little Giant -  hliníkové bezpečnostní schůdky (počet schodů/výška plošiny schody 2 / 46 cm)
from 4 788 Kč / pcs
Very light, safe and comfortable folding step for heavy duty use with innovative tool organiser and folding handle.
Code: 11902EN
Little Giant - hliníková bezpečnostní stolička (počet schodů/výška plošiny schody 2 / 46 cm)
from 6 119 Kč / pcs
Safe and comfortable folding steps with wide feet for heavy duty use with folding handle and castors for easy movement.
Code: 10210BAEN
Little Giant - Conquest 2,0 žebřík do každého terénu (výška - štafle/ výsuvný 335 - 579 / 645 cm, Conquest All Terrain Model 22)
from 13 660 Kč / pcs

Aluminum extendable articulating ladder with extendable leveling legs that adapt to uneven terrain and provide greater stability. Configurable up to 7 positions. Load 150 kg on each side.

Code: 16337EN
Little Giant Conquest All Terain nevodivý žebřík do každého terénu
from 20 327 Kč / pcs
Introducing the Conquest All-Terrain M17 Fiberglass - a revolutionary, non-conductive multi-position ladder designed to help you tackle any task with maximum comfort and safety.

This unique ladder is made of high quality fiberglass material and offers many features that make it easy to work on all types of surfaces and terrains.

Code: 17107EN
image 1
from 16 665 Kč / pcs

The Conquest - All Terrain is a lightweight multi-position extendable articulating ladder with extendable leveling legs that adapt to any terrain. Feel safe, no matter where you work.

Code: 16337EN-018
Little Giant - extra lehké schůdky (Mightylite Model 4, počet schodů/výška plošiny schody 2 / 57 cm)
from 4 389 Kč / pcs

A very light and stable aluminium step ladder with a unique organiser for tools and materials on the top ladder handle. Load capacity up to 150 kg.

Code: 15184EN
Little Giant - Leveler - hliníkový multifunkční žebřík se stavitelnými nohami (výška - štafle/ výsuvný 274 - 457 / 523 cm, Leveler Model 17)
from 13 894 Kč / pcs
Up to 7 ladder configurations for the price of one! Aluminum extension articulating ladder with leveling legs and configurations of rung, extension ladder, stairway, 90° position or scaffolding. Load 150 kg on each side.
Code: 16517EN-801
Little Giant - Pojízdný plošinový žebřík s klecí Safety Cage 2.0 (model 2, počet schodů 2/56 cm)
from 23 625 Kč / pcs
Foldable mobile platform ladder made of non-conductive fiberglass composite with a fixed fully enclosed cage. The platform is equipped with wheels for easy transportation.
+ more
Code: 19702EN
89475 little giant vicepolohove stafle select step
11 795 Kč / pcs
Multi-position extension ladder with adjustable height and ladder configuration, 90° position and as a stair ladder. Including AirDeck tool organiser
Code: 15125EN
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